5 Best Trampoline Exercises To Try - iTOUCH Wearables

5 Best Trampoline Exercises To Try

Do you remember how fun it used to be when you were a little kid jumping on the trampoline? The freedom you felt when you were suspended in the air - it makes you feel so alive and fearless! So why not have that much fun as an adult?The good news is you can - and you can actually get an amazing workout from it!

Do you remember how fun it used to be when you were a little kid jumping on the trampoline? The freedom you felt when you were suspended in the air - it makes you feel so alive and fearless! So why not have that much fun as an adult?

The good news is you can - and you can actually get an amazing workout from it! Did you know that there is a new workout craze that involves jumping on a trampoline? It may seem like something straight out of the 80's, but there are a ton of benefits that come from a quick routine on those bouncy springs. Trampoline exercises are a convenient and enjoyable way to boost your cardiovascular health, improve endurance, and relieve stress and tension. They can help you develop better balance, coordination, and motor skills. These exercises target your back, core, and leg muscles. You’ll also work your arms, neck, and glutes. Ready to try? Here is one thing to note first : 

Rebounders are mini trampolines that are close to the ground, making them more stable and secure. They’re specifically designed for individual aerobic exercise that we will be talking about on this post - these are not designed for outdoor trampolines! So please take caution before performing any these moves on one!

Here are our Best Trampoline Exercises To Try At Home! 

1 - Single Leg Bounce

How-To: Taking a hip-width stance, with the weight in the middle of your feet, bounce on one leg. Switch legs throughout to ensure that you’re training both legs evenly.

Tip To Note: Single-legged bounces are only going to be helpful if you’re doing them right. Stabilizing the knee and hip is the main challenge with this exercise. Be sure to keep the knee and ankle ‘soft’ to cushion your landing.

Key Benefits: 

  • Improve your balance: How often do you train moving on just one leg? Single-legged bounces develop balance and stability on a single leg, an under-developed skill in most people.
  • Condition your ankles: This makes for a perfect exercising in developing strength and resilience in the ankles, knees, and hips.
  • Develop foundational strength: There are many skills in many sports that require the ability to balance on a single leg. Single-legged bouncing on a trampoline is a great way to train this skill for beginners.

Targeted Muscles: 

  • Gluteus Maximus and Medius
  • Quadriceps
  • Gastrocnemius and Soleus
  • Tibialis Anterior

2 - Single Leg Squats

How-To: Stand on the trampoline with one foot. Keeping the knee in line with the toe and the back flat, lower your hips as far as you can go without the knee collapsing or losing your balance. Keep the buttocks active and be sure to remain as stable and controlled as possible.

Tip To Note: Avoid rolling the weight into the front of your foot. You should also be sure to avoid the knee collapsing inwards. You can also put your hands out in front of you to maintain your balance throughout the exercise.

Targeted Muscles: 

  • Obliques
  • Transversus Abdominus
  • Rectus Abdominus
  • Gluteus Maximus and Medius
  • Quadriceps
  • Gastrocnemius and Soleus
  • Tibialis Anterior

3 - Core Rotation | Twist

How-To: Take a firm stance on the trampoline, with your weight in the rear of your foot. Keeping the abs tight, and the hips neutral, rotate through the core as you bounce.

Targeted Muscles: 

  • Obliques
  • Transversus Abdominus
  • Rectus Abdominus

4 - Footwork Drill

How-To : Run on the spot on the trampoline, moving your feet as quickly as you can, while staying tight through the core. Remember to keep your feet underneath your hips and begin to focus on finding a good rhythm with your feet against the trampoline.  Engage the core, keep arms tight to the body, and pump the arms like you’re sprinting.

Key Benefits: 

  • Get your heart rate up: These drills are a great way to develop speed, and can be performed at high intensity as a great cardiovascular endurance workout.

Targeted Muscles: 

  • Gastrocnemius and Soleus
  • Obliques
  • Quadriceps
  • Glutes

5 - The Jump Squat

How-To: Begin by performing rapid, low bounces alternating with squats. For the squat position, keep the feet underneath the hips, the knees in line with the toes, and the back flat. Put your arms in front of yourself for balance if necessary.

Key Benefits: 

  • Condition your lower body: These type of squats are perfect for conditioning the ankles, knees, and hips, as well as being able to develop the strength around the joints!

Targeted Muscles: 

  • Rectus Abdominus
  • Gluteus Maximus and Medius
  • Quadriceps
  • Gastrocnemius and Soleus

Share with us whether you will try these exercises or not by following us on Instagram @itouchwearables and Facebook @itouchwearables and by dropping a comment and like. Also, be sure to check out our new articles published daily and the latest styles on itouchwearablesp.shop!
